April 16, 2016

Get a free SSL certificate

Sometimes when you work on PoC for web-based projects using HTTPS, you may want to have a SSL certificate for testing. You may simply create a self-signed certificate from IIS, however, when you visit the web site installed with self-signed certificate, you'll see a warning page you must be quite familiar with

There's a certificate authority called Let’s Encrypt, who's offering free SSL certificate valid for 3 months. That means you'll need to renew the certificate every 3 months, but that's quite enough for PoC. You can use Let's Encrypt client to obtain your cert via some command lines. I'm not a fan of command line, but fortunately I found a website at https://www.sslforfree.com/ built upon Let's Encrypt. Following some simple (but a bit tricky for Windows users) steps, you can get your free cert.
  1. Go to the website, input the domain you would like to create the cert for and click Create Free SSL Certificate

  2. Choose the way of verifying you are the owner of the domain. I haven't tried Automatic FTP Verification so I'll simply walk through Manual Verification and click Manually Verify Domain

  3. Assuming you are a Windows user, set up a IIS web site. The web site has to be publicly exposed on the internet and whitelist (at the time of writing this post, it is this IP address) as mentioned in the page and bind the domain to the web site
  4. Click Download File #1, you will get a text file for further uploading. The file name and content will be different every time you request for the cert
  5. Create a folder in the root of the website named .well-known. Notice that you may get a warning message to stop you.

    Instead use the folder name .well-known., the folder will be created successfully and the last dot will disappear
  6. Create a folder named acme-challenge under .well-known and copy the downloaded file to acme-challenge
  7. Click the link (for instance, http://test.petekcchen.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/mRIcor-5_-TPKeZJALHjCP4RdZMuchs-3u4XmfHT840) provided on the page, you may see 404 since the downloaded file does not have extension and it will be ignored by IIS. So go to your IIS website, add a MIME type as below
    then you'll be able to see the result

  8. Click Download SSL Certificate and the site service will communicate with Let's Encrypt to get the cert for you
  9. Click Download All SSL Certificate Files and you'll get a zip file named sslforfree.zip containing ca_bundle.crtcertificate.crt and private.key

    You can then install certificate.crt on IIS and configure the HTTPS binding. It will work perfectly.

April 3, 2016

TeamCity - 安裝分散式Build Agent

TeamCity在安裝完成時預設只會安裝1個build agent(以下簡稱BA),在之前的文章中也提到了如何安裝額外的BA,不管是Professional或是Enterprise版本,TC最多可以使用3個BA,除非以付費方式額外購買BA的授權(以目前官網報價1個BA含10個build configurations需美金299元)。

  1. 一個雙核VM,上面已有2個BA,為了增加效率,我把第3個BA安裝在另一個VM上,原本的VM就不需耗費太多額外資源(建置程式碼、跑單元測試或整合測試及自動佈署網站等)。
  2. 把BA安裝在data center中專門部署用的VM裡,讓BA可以直接打包系統發佈到production,加快部署速度。
  1. 在另一台主機安裝BA。可參考TeamCity - 安裝額外的Build Agent一文,安裝過程一樣,差別只在於設定BA屬性時,serverUrl需指到TC所在位址,如http://

  2. 在TC中授權新安裝的BA。安裝完BA後可以在Agents頁面看到Unauthorized有1個BA



March 14, 2016

TeamCity - 手動安裝Build Agent

TeamCity - 安裝額外的Build Agent中提到了使用Windows安裝檔方式安裝Build Agent,過程中仍需些微地以手動方式修改設定檔。我們也可以完全手動方式安裝Build Agent,當然安裝過程相對地又更複雜些。

先至Agents頁面,點選Install Build Agents下載安裝檔

手動安裝需點選Zip file distribution下載安裝檔(buildAgent.zip)。預設安裝好的第一個Build Agent路徑位於C:\TeamCity\buildAgent,所以如果安裝的是第二個Build Agent,建議解壓縮在C:\TeamCity\buildAgent2,以此類推。



最後以管理員權限依序執行C:\TeamCity\buildAgent2\bin下的install.batservice.install.batservice.start.bat,稍等一下即可在Agents頁面看到第二個Build Agent。